Mac OS

Mac OS

The Mac OS is an operating system that was designed for the Apple computer. The Mac OS was developed by Apple Inc., the company that developed the Apple computer, as well as a number of other products including the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. The Mac OS is one of two major operating systems available, with the other being the Windows operating system.

The first version of the Mac OS, part of the “Classic” Mac OS series, was originally released in 1984. It did not possess a command line and could only run one application at a time. The first version of Mac OS to be named “Mac OS” was version 7.6. After multiple versions of the classic Mac OS series, the Mac OS X series of operating systems began to be released. Today (as of 2011), this is still the current series in production, with the most current version being OS X 10.7 Lion.


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Completely new. Completely Mac.

Mac OS

Over the years, OS X has changed in many ways. But the principles that define it haven’t: power, simplicity, beauty. So when we set out to create OS X Yosemite, we wanted to make it more powerful and easier to use, while maintaining the elements essential to Mac. It’s the next natural step in the evolution of OS X. Not just because of how it looks. But because of what it empowers you to do.

Take a fresh look at OS X

When you refine every detail,
the entire experience is enhanced.

Thoughtfully redesigning OS X meant going deep into every aspect of the interface and focusing on details large and small. There are obvious changes to big things, like translucency in windows and streamlined toolbars. There are more subtle changes to a lot of small things, like the buttons, icons, and font you see throughout the system. And we didn’t just update the details — we optimized them to look amazing on a Retina display. The more you use your Mac, the more you’ll notice, and the more you’ll love it.

Translucency adds more dimension
to your desktop.

By adding translucency to certain interface elements in OS X Yosemite, we’ve put a greater emphasis on your content. Translucent toolbars let you know there’s more to see than what’s visible in the window as you scroll. And a translucent sidebar gives you a glimpse of what’s behind the active window. So the interface takes on the look of your desktop image and your content — making your Mac experience different from anyone else’s.

Streamlined toolbars put more features
into less space.

In OS X Yosemite, we’ve streamlined the toolbars in some of your favorite apps, such as Safari, Maps, and Calendar — while retaining their powerful capabilities. So now you’ll see more of your web pages, maps, events, and more. Which is especially helpful if you use a Mac notebook.

Controls that are smarter in both form and function.

In OS X Yosemite, we’ve redesigned the buttons, checkboxes, and pop-up menus to make the Mac experience feel cleaner and more refined throughout the system. And we’ve made them smarter as well. Take the red, yellow, and green “stoplights” in the corner of every app window. Not only have we streamlined their look, but we’ve also updated their functions. Close, minimize, and maximize are now close, minimize, and full screen, eliminating the extra full‑screen control and consolidating the window controls in one place. Streamlining these and other elements of the interface means you can navigate the desktop more efficiently. And you can get the most from your beautiful Mac display.


Click and drag

A cleaner, more iconic Dock.

There are several ways to launch an app. But most likely you look to the Dock. With OS X Yosemite, we’ve simplified the appearance of the Dock and its icons to provide a more consistent look and feel. This new approach to the icons gives the entire app family a more harmonious look while making each one instantly recognizable.

More elegant, from A to Z.

For some, the choice of a font may not be a big deal. But to us, it’s an integral part of the interface. In OS X Yosemite, fonts have been refined systemwide to be more legible and consistent across the Mac experience. You’ll notice a fresh, new typeface in app windows, menu bars, and throughout the system. The type looks great on any Mac, and even more stunning on a Mac with a Retina display.

Enjoy the view in all your favorite apps.

OS X Yosemite brings a new look to apps like Safari, Mail, Messages, and more. But it’s not just about how much better they look. It’s also about how much better they work.

The real beauty of OS X Yosemite
lies in what you can do with it.

Our goal in redesigning OS X wasn’t just to make the interface more beautiful. It was to make it more useful, too. To do that, we found ways to introduce powerful, intuitive features that are accessible at all times. So you can access important information without being distracted from what you’re doing.

Notification Center. There’s so much more to see at a glance.

The new Today view in Notification Center gives you fast access to information you need to know now. Click the Notification Center icon, or use a two-finger swipe from the edge of your trackpad, even in full-screen view. You’ll see a concise summary of the day’s upcoming events, reminders, and birthdays. And handy widgets show you today’s calendar, a weather forecast, up-to-the-minute stock prices, the time in multiple time zones, daily reminders, and a calculator. You can even customize what you see by adding third-party widgets from the Mac App Store. View all widgets

Spotlight. Now brighter than ever.

The fastest way to find things on your Mac keeps getting better — and now it even finds information beyond your Mac. Spotlight pulls information from new sources like Wikipedia, news sites, Maps, iTunes, movie listings, and more. It’s smart about which information it returns, so you’ll find just what you’re looking for, faster than ever. Spotlight has been redesigned to appear front and center when you open it. And results appear in rich, interactive previews that let you view a document, send an email, and even make a phone call just by clicking.